Tuesday, April 12, 2011


According to the Bay Area Discovery Museum, in Sausalito, California, "Creativity—the capacity for original thought, new connections, adaptive reasoning, and novel solutions—if nurtured and supported during childhood, has positive and far-reaching implications for fulfilling adult potentiality." (baykidsmuseum.org)

"Creativity is defined as the tendency to generate or recognize ideas, alternatives, or possibilities that may be useful in solving problems, communicating with others, and entertaining ourselves and others" (Franken, 1994, p. 396).


  1. Shawna,
    I have always admired "creative" people. I look at other people's creations such as arts and crafts, or this really creative blog, and I think to myself "I could not create these things in a million years!" I am so thankful that creativity does exist in others so I can enjoy it.

  2. Creativity is something that I fear children are losing with all the "hands on" technology that they are exposed to. I often give my grandchildren simple things to play with and encourage thier creativity. A cardboard box soon becomes a fort, pots and pans are musical instruments, crayons and wax paper are art. I truelly believe that exceptional talent is God-given, but the ability to share it comes from building on that Divinely given talent.

  3. Blessed~ I agree. My little boy's (whose art work is below)first set of drums were my cooking pots and his cymbals were the lids, my little girl's (his little sister's) high chair was his garbage truck, we've had tons of boxes in our living room floor that were forts....I love it that they have such a great imagination and actually use it!! Just today they were doing art at our kitchen table with sponges and paint and loving it. Thank you for your comments.
